About us

We are the leading publisher of textbooks and additional learning materials in Slovenia. In our thirty-year-long tradition, we have built a solid foundation by constantly investing in research and development of new materials and new approaches, as well as by interdisciplinary integration of editorial and promotional activities. We are the pioneer of many new approaches, especially in the field of digitalization and the integration of modern technologies in education. On today’s market of interactive learning materials, we are one of the leading providers, not only in Slovenia, but in the whole of South-Eastern Europe. Our strategy is based on the knowledge, creativity and satisfaction of all: students, teachers, parents and our employees. With our projects, we encourage socially responsible actions. Our mission is to help children in a modern, flexible and efficient way to acquire knowledge that makes them independent, confident and responsible in shaping a better world.



We are aware of our capabilities and accept responsibility for our actions. We strive to achieve agreements and the common goal.


For successful work, we receive recognition from co-workers and managers, which encourages us and motivates us. We also know how to give and accept justified criticism. We also know how to give and accept justified criticism.


We respect the work, time, opinion and values of all the people we work with. This helps us contribute to better relations within the company and in society in general.


We create an environment that encourages people to think differently and to implement innovative ideas.


Employees are free to decide which path to achieving the agreed goal is the most appropriate. We act freely, but in accordance with our responsibilities.


We work hard, with passion and dedication. We have a positive attitude towards work and make full use of our capabilities.


We are open and sincere. We wish to tell others and have others tell us that which is real, and not just that which is agreeable.


Social responsibility plays an important role in the activities of Rokus Klett Publishing House and is part of our everyday life. As an organizer, co-organizer or participant, we take part in many projects in various fields, including education, ecology, culture and healthcare. The following are just a few. There are, of course, many more socially responsible projects. They include a number of quizzes, competitions and special publications with which we try to instil in children a positive attitude towards the environment, donations for projects carried out at the level of individual schools, as well as minor and major projects organized at the initiative of institutions such as UNICEF and the Red Nose Society.

Družbeno odgovorni

Fundacija ROK – Helping Children Spread Their Wings

Since 2013, the Rok Foundation – Let’s give children wings has been helping talented children from socially disadvantaged families whose living conditions prevent them from developing their talents in the fields of science, sports, culture, and education. Every year, we invite all school workers to send us application forms for a donation in the following school year by the end of the school year.

Free learning materials for children from larger families

In cooperation with Slovensko karitas, since 2005 we have been donating workbooks to school-age children from larger families every year. The campaign started on the initiative of our publishing house, and in the following years four more school publishers followed in our footsteps. In recent years, the value of donated materials varies between fifteen and twenty thousand euros per year.

Hop na Grad

Hop na Grad, which came to life in the spring of 2017, is a charity running event, the main donor and co-organizer of which is our Publishing House Rokus Klett. All the money collected every year through entry fees and charitable contributions is donated to the Foundation for the New Paediatric Clinic in Ljubljana. The event also promotes a healthy lifestyle and connects people who want to give back to the community from which they come from. You can read more HERE .

Purchase of the ECMO machine for the Paediatric Clinic ICU

With the cooperation of the organizers of the Hop na Grad run, SBC – the Club of Slovenian Entrepreneurs and socially engaged individuals and companies, in March 2020 we collected money for the purchase of an ECMO device, which is urgently needed in the intensive care unit of the Pediatric Clinic. With this device, they will be able to help both critically ill children and adults – even those who will find themselves in a critical condition due to the covid-19 disease caused by the coronavirus.

Solidarity during the corona virus epidemic

During the closure of all educational institutions due to the coronavirus, the Rokus Klett Publishing House provided round-the-clock access to all its electronic and interactive materials to all teachers/professors and pupils/students in primary and secondary schools, regardless of which publishing house the schools use. We also provided 6th to 9th class and their parents and teachers have been given free access to special editions of workbooks and tutorials in pdf format.

Together in Solidarity – 178 computers for children to use for remote learning

On the initiative of Rokus Klett Publishing and Modrijan Education, companies and individuals collected funds for the purchase of 178 computers for socially disadvantaged children in two days in April 2020. Thanks to a donation worth almost 63 thousand euros, students from a total of 59 Slovenian primary schools received computers with which they will be able to participate in distance learning. Most donors are companies and individuals who are members of the SBC – Club of Slovenian Entrepreneurs, and in addition to them, other companies also participated in the charity campaign. The campaign was launched through the ROK Foundation – Let’s spread wings to children, which has been helping talented children from socially disadvantaged families for many years, and is part of the wider initiative Together in Solidarity, through which economic organizations and associations collect computers and tablets for children who otherwise receive distance learning would not be able to attend.

Charity competition and book on the occasion of the 25th anniversary of the publishing house

On the occasion of its 25th anniversary, the Rokus Klett publishing house organized a charity literary competition for primary school students from 4. to 9th grade. In December 2016, 25 best stories were published in a special jubilee book edition. The entire proceeds from the sold copies of the book were allocated to the Clinical Department for Pediatric Surgery and Intensive Therapy of the University Hospital Ljubljana.

Charity auctions 2004–2010

From 2004 to 2010, every autumn we organized a charity auction of the best photos that were taken in the photography contests of the magazines National Geographic Slovenia and National Geographic Junior. We donated the collected funds in their entirety to the Society for Helping Premature Children, the Ljubljana Maternity Hospital for the purchase of an ultrasound device for pregnant women and a computer-assisted cardiotocograph, and the Association of Friends of the Youth of Slovenia for the project of free educational assistance for elementary school and high school students.

A year from now at your school? The “Giving Back to the Community” project

The Rokus Klett publishing house is not just textbooks and workbooks, but above all we are people – professional, creative, responsive and attentive to others. In 2014, 2015 and 2016, we participated in the volunteering project “Giving Back to the Community” organized by the American Chamber of Commerce and Slovenian Philanthropy. In a team spirit, we helped organize schools and their surroundings. HERE you can see how such a project is progressing.

Joint campaign with Rotary Club Ljubljana: "Coming together for our schoolchildren”

In the all-Slovenian campaign “Let’s stand together for our schoolchildren”, which took place in 2014, Rokus Klett Publishing House donated workbooks with a total value of EUR 13,496.30 to eight Slovenian primary schools with the most at-risk children, selected by the Community of Centers for Social Work (CSD) of Slovenia.

Proud members

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