Modra akademija | Educational content for schools 2020/21

Modra Akademija, an educational centre for personal and professional development, is available at with a fresh set of outstanding lecturers and topics!

For the 2020/21 school year, current educational topics for pedagogical and professional staff are available, which are linked by a focus on acquiring new and upgrading skills already acquired in the field of competences of the future, including:

  • creative and critical thinking,
  • relationships and social skills at school,
  • managing emotions for better relationships at school,
  • management of conflict relations in the classroom,
  • communication,
  • motivation,
  • passion for teaching.

Lecturers will share their rich expertise and practical experience so that participants can immediately put them into practice.

Choose educational content and custom execution modes! This year’s novelty is also online lectures!

Upgrade your knowledge and move forward under the auspices of the Modra akademija.

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